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Family and friends are the best aspects of my life. After relocating to Atlanta, I have to travel to see my family and many of the friends that I have made over the years. This gives us the opportunity to plan trips to see one another, and I really enjoy the quality time I get to spend with the people in my life during the holiday and summer break.

My Background: Text


Growing up, I always wanted to be a teacher. My grandparents were teachers and professors, and I loved going to school for the majority of my life. Outside of school, however, I love to travel, exercise and spend quality time with my loved ones.

I have been to 10 countries in my lifetime, with many more on my list! In college, I got the opportunity to student teach abroad in a small, rural community school in Kirwee, New Zealand. Before my internship, I was able to backpack the entire south island of the country for three weeks. It was such a personal growth experience for me and I will never forget it! I am hoping to backpack in South America after travel restrictions due to COVID-19 subside.

Exercise has been a huge part of my life since I was young playing sports. I enjoy the competition I have within myself to get stronger and healthier. Some of my favorite ways to exercise are lifting, hiking, and playing sports!

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